5 Bizarre Things in the Universe

3 min readFeb 9, 2022


The universe is an exceptionally strange place, full of signals and observations that defy our understanding and mark the end of our logical thinking capabilities. In trying to explain these mysteries, sometimes astronomers hypothesize extremely exotic objects that we haven’t yet found. Here are some of the most fascinating oddities that may be lurking in the depths of the cosmos.

  1. The hunt for Planet Nine

In the past few years, evidence suggests there’s an unknown rocky world lurking on the fringes of the solar system. The astronomers who originally proposed the Planet Nine hypothesis have now published two more papers analyzing the case, highlighting a few new clues. However, some say that it might be a mirage. I guess we are to find out soon!

2. Hypothetical “ploonets” might soon blur the lines between planets and moons

Yes, you heard that right! hypothetical objects called “ploonets” may start life as a moon circling a giant planet, but models show they can be exiled and essentially turn into planets themselves. If true, this theory could explain away some astronomical mysteries. Imagine living on the Moon!

3. Stars formed of antimatter are lurking in our galaxy

Antimatter is thought to have been mostly banished from our universe. But could it still be secretly lurking out there? Astronomers have now identified signals from possible antimatter stars and approximated how many of them might be hiding in our own galaxy, and that’s not a healthy number.

4. Celestial objects composed of dark matter could be expanding the universe

The reason for the expansion of the universe, and its acceleration, remains unknown. One hypothesis blames strange black-hole-like objects made of dark energy, and now astrophysicists have theorized how these objects work and where they all went. The answer, Everywhere!

5. Strange gravitational waves? Invisible “dark matter” stars may be the culprit

Gravitational waves were recently detected from a massive black hole collision. But now astrophysicists suggest a new explanation: a collision of two boson stars — speculative, invisible objects that could help untangle the mystery of dark matter.

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